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Sunchild News - June 2015

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This is Julie, a nursing student at Prairie Bible College that has been coming on the Sunday teams. She came and stayed for the month of May and helped with everything on a full time basis. Her parents visited also during that time. They live on a farm at Barrhead, Alberta raising organic oats for oatmeal. Julie is very gifted in that she can do any task given her. She is an excellent preacher and Bible teacher as well. Julie will be helping on and off during the summer when she can get time off from school.

This is Tom Lubben who is a college student from West Palm Beach, Florida. Tom came for a short term mission assignment and will be here until July 4th. Tom does everything as need arises here at the mission. He is an exceptional musician. He plays the violin, guitar, and piano, all at a high level of ability. Tom is working with the young people everyday at the mission, leading or helping in all the activities held here. Here we see Tom working on clearing trees to lengthen the airstrip, which is something he enjoys doing for a spell most days. We'll miss him because he is dependable and very productive in his work. Tom is getting married just 12 days after he leaves us. Just a little insight into the depth of commitment the people have who come here to help.

This is a Bible Study group a few weeks ago.

During the entire month of January we had the help of two very special people. Elycia, who is sitting behing the flannelgraph, is from Vancouver Island, British Columbia. She was a special blessing as she helped out in everything going on at the mission. Elycia is a farm girl who fit in very well here in the bush. Michele is in the red jacket and came from Switzerland. He was here last January also and wanted to come back this year. Michele spent many days running a chain saw cutting trees to clear the airstrip. His English is very good, and we learned some things about Switzerland also. It really helped to brighten up the dreary January days having them here and they were such a blessing!

Every year a large Native Youth Conference of about 200 youth is held up near Edmonton, and every year we do a road clean up to raise funds and send a group to attend. This is load that went this year. It took three vehicles to carry them. One of our vans broke the gas tank before they got off the Reserve. They drove all the way and back, by stopping often and putting a small amount of gas in the tank and going as far as they could on it. We still haven't got it fixed yet.

We had a real treat recently when three Americans came for a visit in their airplanes. On the left is Scott who works at the Just Aircraft factory in South Carolina building airplanes. What a great job to have. He builds the airframes up by hand. Center is Gary from Eagle River, Alaska, on his way home. Gary spent some time at the factory building the Super Stol in the front, and is going home. Tyler is Scott's son and is a flight instructor in West Virginia. These guys were really great and helped out with some carpentry work installing a bathroom, building monkey bars in the playground, and even made me go fishing a few times. Scott built his Highlander in the background. The Super Stol is the airplane we are currently building for use up in the Yukon. Scott helped me some with that while he was here also, since that is what he does at work. I got to see Gary putting the Super Stol's amazing performance in action here.

This is the Rocky Mountain House Ministrial meeting for the month of May which was held here at the mission for the second year in a row. It was almost an hours drive and the dirt roads are very bad here, but these came anyway! I know..we still haven't got the sign up that the Pennsylvania team made for us last summer. Notice the barrel distortion in the picture. This happens when the camera has a large zoom feature. I've been correcting it on the computer in some of the pictures, but I'm taking forever to get this done.

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