June 1998 Outreach Trip to the Arctic

You can click on the first picture and follow the links all the way through (recommended if you have time), or access any picture at random by clicking on the thumb print below. All the pictures were taken in June & July 1998.

Old Crow-Yukon.......Old Crow, Yukon

Dick Nukon Family......Dick Nukon Family

Porcupine River Ramparts......Flying through Porcupine Ramparts

Sourdough Inn-Ft. Yukon......Sourdough Inn in Fort Yukon, Alaska

Church In North Pole-Alaska......Church in North Pole, Alaska

Ruby Alaska......Ruby, Alaska

Dick Cook Family.......Dick Cook Missionary Family

Native Fishwheel.......Fishwheel on Yukon River

Mission Riverboat.......Missionary boat at Ruby, Alaska

Yukon Mountain.......Flying scenery in Yukon

Sunchild Mission.......Flying over Sunchild Mission

Cessna 182.......Unloading Airplane

News Update July 5, 1998....Initial report on June Outreach Trip

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