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Monday November 7, 2011

We usually try to make mondays somewhat of a day off since Sunday is our hardest day of the week. Someone drove in this morning and I got up for that and stayed up. Karen put the lessons for our four Sunday School classes online for the teachers to study and planned out the crafts for Sunday. Then Karen worked on getting the school gymn on Friday for Youth Night, which included a write up and visiting the school. I worked on office work dealing with work crews and funds for materials. Karen worked with a parent, planning ahead for her childs schooling here next summer, then went to O'Chiese to hold a prayer meeting, visited a home to comfort some kids over a death in the family, prayed in another home and gave a piano lesson. Then Karen talked long distance concerning a suicide in a Northern Village and had prayer with them. After that Karen worked on contacting people concerning visitation for a Christian lady in a Red Deer special care facility. Then she studied for tomorrow's Ladies Meeting to be held here and tonight was counseling with a church lady concerning a family crisis. I hauled a load of firewood. We like to burn Poplar in the fireplace because Pine and Spruce spark too much. The only hard wood we have is Birch, but it is very hard to come by around here. We have lots of wood but not much variety.


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