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Sunday November 6, 2011

The day got an early start with the arrival of a team from Red Deer to set up for a pancake dinner. It warmed up a lot from yesterday. We had 9 kids who came two hours before Sunday School even started. Maybe because of turning the clocks back last night and we had to start early with them. Today was the day we don't run transportation to bring anyone in. Once a month we have a special Sunday event to try to get everyone to find their own transportation. Quite a few are unable to do this and were not able to come.

Pancake cooks

Below are a couple scenes from Sunday School. We have another large S.S. room addition we use for another class, and two tent frames we use, one for teen girls and another for teen boys.

Sunday School

Sunday School

We had a good adult service after Sunday School. Here we are presenting an award


We had lots of help today. Three men from the Crossroads Church in Red Deer, seven students from the Prairie Bible College in Three Hills, and seven young adults from Calgary for a total of 17 helpers who came from afar. Of course we had several local helpers in addition to this. Below is the crew from Three Hills. (Justice is our S.S. girl of course)

Workers from Three Hills

This is the crew from Calgary. (with Justice again!) Otis is a former Prairie Bible College student who is now a flight instructor in Calgary and this crew is from his church. After church Karen went to about four homes with things she's working on and passed out leftovers from the pancake dinner.

Workers from Calgary

Thought I'd close the day with a picture of Mr. Rinker. If you wear my hat, coat, and glasses, you can call yourself Mr. Rinker!

Mr. Rinker

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