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Friday November 4, 2011

I had to go into Rocky Mountain House first thing this morning for an appointment at the bank dealing with moving our mission account from Camrose to Rocky. It's at Camrose now because that is where our Treasurer, Bruce Fraser lives. Bruce does all the Incorporation paper work also, but he is turning that over now and we are moving the Incorporation back to Rocky. Then I dealt with the Post Office, had council with a business involving area crime, and got a load of building materials loaded for the work crew coming tomorrow. We are going to put down an insulated floor in the church on top of the old floor. We had music lessons tonight.

Music Class

This is also the night of our youth group, and Karen finally got it worked out to use the school gymn. This picture is all our normal youth group kids. We can't get them all in the mission for activities, so a lot of them can't come unless we get the gymn or have it outside.

Youth Group

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