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Monday November 28, 2011

Last night we had several inches of soft, rubbery snow that stuck to everything and when the sun first came up it was very beautiful. I didn't think to take a picture until later. This picture is from our bedroom window. A former chief of the O'Chiese Reserve came by, first thing this morning, and asked me to build a Nativity barn, about 4 feet by 4 feet, for their yard. They want to put a Nativity scene in it for the holidays. Well, the significance of that is: When we first came here the people didn't celebrate Christmas and it is not the politically correct thing to have something recognizing Jesus at your home like that. So to have a large Nativity scene would be a first, and a very open recognition of Christ. There is not one cross in either of the public graveyards here either, and I was just asked to make a cross for a young girl that died recently. I went to Rocky to get some building materials. I met with the youth pastor of the Nazarene church and we discussed the youth group. Karen prepared Sunday School lessons for the teachers and visited people in the hospital in Rocky. She visited Rosalee and they prayed together. We had four hockey tickets donated to the mission to use for incentives, Karen picked them up and asked Rosalee and Ryan to take two youth to the hockey game in Calgary tomorrow. Karen attended a prayer meeting at the Nazarene church tonight. They have been faithfully praying for the mission.

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