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Tuesday November 15, 2011

This first picture is Rosale & Ryan, who started out with the student ministry team from Prairie Bible College and got married a year ago. They are now living in Rocky Mountain House and are assisting with the mission here.

Rosalee & Ryan

Tonight Ryan had a class of guitar lessons. Notice all the guitar students are boys and all the violin students are girls. Ryan is quite an accomplished player. We had a very special violin class tonight also. Most of the kids here struggle with the effort required to play. They just aren't used to the discipline. I have had to exercise a lot of patience in hope that the effort would eventually be developed. Tonight I saw students giving 100% effort and was amazed at the level of ability they revealed when they put themselves into it. So I was greatly encouraged.

Music Class

Tonight was the Tuesday night Ladies meeting. Rosale's mom came from B.C. and spoke to the ladies. They are meeting in the new Sunday School room that the Crossroads Church built. Karen worked on preparing the Sunday School classes and preparing the Ladies Meeting.

Ladies Meeting

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