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Monday November 14, 2011

Today the weather just kept getting colder as the day progressed. I'm trying to get the last of the siding on to keep the snow from blowing into the garage & wood shed. I'm working by myself and not getting much done because of the cold and the days are getting short now. The farther north you go the shorter the days at this time of year. We are just on the edge of the chinook zone. That is a warm wind that comes from the mountains. We are affected by it but not as much as Rocky. Sometimes it's warm in Rocky and much colder here. I have to keep taking my gloves off, and then before long I have to go inside to warm my hands. The wind was strong here today, which makes it feel much colder. I would make a wrong cut under these conditions and then have to start over. I like to make Mondays a day off, but right now I don't have the luxury of doing that. If I take today off, then the weather will be much colder when I try to finish this job and the shop will be full of snow if it's not covered.

Other activities today were the usual office work, phone interuptions, music lessons, people stopping by, etc. etc. Karen worked on Sunday School lessons for the college students, met with the Friday night youth workers in Rocky to plan youth night activities, photocopied Sunday School lessons in Rocky because our copier isn't working, took Reserve kids living in Rocky to Kids Town activity at the Nazarene Church in Rocky, attended prayer meeting at Nazarene church.

This is a visitor posing with our youngest violin student.

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