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2003 - Year In Review at Old Crow.

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In August we made the trip down the Alaska Highway to the Sunchild Reserve in Alberta. We spent almost the entire month camped at Sunchild, working with the people. The VBS we held is featured on a separate part of the website with 15 large size pictures. We bought a 16X20 wall tent, which will give us years of service. Lone Pine Forest saw mill in Rocky Mountain House donated all the lumber we needed to build a nice tent frame, which we first used for VBS and then moved into it for the rest of the month. Here we are building the frame, and David and Karen are doing something. By the end of August ice was freezing in the bucket outside, but the tent is very comfortable with the wood stove. This location is just a few yards from where our log cabin stood back in the 70's. So it was really like home for us.

On most days, when we had lots of company, we had crafts and activities for the young people. You can see how much they enjoyed it! We have known many of these kids parents since they were this size or younger, and some of these kids are just like part of our family.

At Old Crow we don't have available, the things most people take for granted. So when we get out where we can get 'stuff', we like to celebrate a little. Here
we are having a chicken barbecue. Right now I'm sitting here at Old Crow writing this and it makes me drool.

Of course we have to celebrate birthdays. Here two sisters get one cake for both of their birthdays. Some people drive trucks, some people work with paper
or bricks, but we work with the hearts and souls of people like this. How could anybody have a more wonderful job on earth?

David built a tree house, and it is being invaded in this picture.
We had room for some of the kids to camp overnight, and there was always a lot of demand for the priviledge.

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