Home | Sunchild Mission | Outreach | News Updates | Devotions | Pictures of the week
Almost every day as soon as school is out, we have young ones from the neighborhood decend upon us. This is Sunday morning, and since there is no school, they arrived early. So they are eating with us as well. Pictured here is Tiffany Damore, who arrived from Ontario on Feb. 26, and has been our school teacher, as well as many other things. Our David is in the foreground. The neighbor boys got in trouble with their BB gun, and are fugitives at the moment. Perhaps you can tell it is often busy and quite interesting here.
Actually this picture below wasen't taken on this Sunday but before we lose our ice we wanted to get in a picture of the activity on our skating rink on the mission grounds. It is only half shoveled off in this picture, but we did get all of it shoveled later.
Home | Sunchild Mission | Outreach | News Updates | Devotions | Pictures of the week