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Sunchild Mission policy is to work closely with Parents in all we do with the youth on the Reserve. We fully recognize parental authority and responsibility and emphasize that we are working together with the parents in a common goal with the youth. We want to have parents closely involved in all we do. We must have parents input on a regular basis. We encourage parents to bring their youth or pick up youth at the mission, drop in and meet the staff, keep informed with first hand observation. We have a standing invitation for parents to be on staff to assist in the classes. We do not have a bus, because we are choosing to limit our responsibility with transportation to a few small vans, and develop parental involvement. So please contact us with your input, concerns, advice, because we can't do this without your input. We are putting policies in writing and will add or make changes according to your input.
Sunchild mission recognizes four levels of workers, each with their level of responsibility.
1. Mission Staff
2. Local Parents
3. Regular Sunday School teachers and youth workers
4. New, entry level helpers.
When new workers get involved in helping at the mission, the staff have several resources to aid in approving them and determining what level of responsibility they will have in working with the youth. These include recommendations from their college, churches, associates, and access to police records. They enter a graduated program of supervision where they are monitored and assessed as to behavior. They must earn their trust. Sunchild Mission requires that any person serving at any level with our program must have a clean history in their entire past life in regard to sexual conduct and abuse. Applicants with any question in regard to their past history must discuss this with Mission Staff as to what involvement, if any, they may have here. 'No One' who is uncomfortable or unwilling to meet this criteria will be working with your children. We want the parents to know we take this seriously, and no one with any actions in their past history which would indicate they could possibly have a negative impact on their youth will be involved in our program. Our authority in such matters is absolute. If we determine an individual does not satisfy our approval they will be banned with no recourse to unions or any authority that can over ride our decision.
Other policies that apply to staff:
Our staff policy is to hold in respect the feelings, traditions, and beliefs of the Native community. To view Native individuals as true equals in all regards to themselves. The staff is not here because they view themselves as superior to other people, but simply because they have something of great value to share.
Policy concerning our expectations of youth in attendance.
We expect all youth in attendance to give reasonable attention to the program, and show respect to staff and other students. We have a zero tolerance to any drugs, alcohol, or inappropriate materials, offensive language, bullying, either physical or verbal, and reserve the right to remove anyone who offends in this regard. Sometimes a youth will attend that is only here for some other motive than to be a part of the program. If we determine that a youth is a potential negative influence in any way to anyone else they will be removed or strictly monitored until the program is over. If a parent wants to work with the staff in regard to giving their youth a chance who has demonstrated problematic behavior we will work closely with that parent in doing what we can, but it must be recognized that we will also be sensitive to the families that could be negatively affected by this and addressing their concerns as a priority.Policy of Parental involvement:
General policy is that children must have parents consent to any involvement they have with the mission. The mission has a mandate to work closely with the parents in all they do with the children.
a. - Involving regular weekly scheduled events including Sunday School, teen youth groups, music lessons.
b.Involving special events/parties, camp outs.
Mission sponsored events, especially camp outs, have strict guidelines in regard to supervision, separation of boys and girls, and guaranteeing the safety of the youth. The Staff reserves the right to limit participants to those we know we can control, and eliminate any youth we question or who have demonstrated problematic behavior. The dynamics of such events are constantly changing as society changes. We strongly encourage each parent to personally be involved with the staff each time such an event occurs to ensure their personal guidelines will be effected, and any specific concerns will greatly aid the staff in their responsibility. The parents will always know things the staff does not know concerning important issues, and we depend on the parents to share that input so we can have the knowledge essential for doing our job.
c.Involving family events. Parents may request the mission to be involved with the family for activities specifically requested by the parents.
Transportation Policys
a. - Policy on transporting Children.
When parents are unable to transport their youth, staff may do so if practicable.
1.Please try to have youth ready so the staff does not have to wait longer than necessary.
2.Staff are instructed to leave kids close to the door as opposed to the end of long driveways etc. Always make sure the child has entered the house and is not locked out. Confirm parents are home, if in doubt, when leaving youth.
3.Staff shall 'not' be permitted to transport any youth under 21 yrs. old to a location off the Reserve. Permission for special events may be obtained from Mr. or Mrs. Rinker. Permission must also be obtained from parents in writing, and Rinkers in writing, and such documentation must be kept and available.
Workers Policy toward children
a. Dealing with raising voice, humiliating, embarrassing, accusing the child.
Workers are instructed to be sensitive to maintain their respect in dealing with youth, and to maintain the attitude the child is the priority.
b. Dealing with punishment, disciplining.
Workers are instructed that we are not the parents and as such have limited responsibility in regards to discipline. Our responsibility is to maintain order and control, so if a youth will not respond to reason, the normal procedure is to send them home if practicable.
c.Dealing with making the child uncomfortable, physical contact guidelines.
We have a zero tolerance for any 'inappropriate' contact with anyone. We allow public contact in recreational activities. Children who initiate or are comfortable with receiving a normal hug or demonstrate innocent affection in a public setting will be subject to the approval of those present.
d. All classes are monitored and supervised on a regular basis.
e. Parents may request limitations to be placed on any staff based on feedback from their child. This gives parents a major authority, but staff must be willing to be subject to parental authority because it is the parents child who is the priority.
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