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Sunchild News - June 2019

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www.arcticoutreach.org --- e-mail rinker@arcticoutreach.org --- phone 403-989-3715

Dear Friends,

In my last letter I mentioned that the Hoover family from Edmonton has been visiting and helping out on weekends. They have decided to move in for the summer and stay on full time in ministry and will be moving in the first week of July. They are a family of 4, so we will have a big enough team to have regular services, Bible Studies as well as outreach on the O'Chiese Reserve. O'Chiese has a new Chief that has been a friend of ours for many years, and has given us permission to have regular services on O'Chiese. The Christian people on O'Chiese do come to the Sunchild Mission, but they have always wanted their own services, and even their own church on their Reserve.

These last 4 years, I have been keeping the mission active by myself, and I've only been able to hold services when I have teams come. It hasn't been easy, but I've been able to keep the doors open and the mission active. Now, we can see the activities here get back to what it has been in the past. Much of my work in the last four years has been working with families in crisis situations. For this, I have been publicly awarded the gratitude of the community in a wonderful commendation on several occasions. It would take a book to write all this, and much of it is far too sensitive to publish for the public, as there have been several high profile tragedies where I've been called in to assist. It has been difficult to bear the trauma. There simply is no help for the effects of this on myself personally, and I have to find a way to get through and keep going. Only God is sufficient for this, as it's beyond human endurance.

In my last letter I posted the story and pictures of the wedding of the local couple that got married here at the mission. They have a brand new house just a few months ago, and they have been hosting Bible Studies in their home.

In a few weeks our VBS Bible Camp will be held by the large team of Koreans from the Calgary Korean Churches once again. So this is taking a lot of work and prepartaion. Last winter, during the coldest weather, a water line fitting broke in the church and sprayed out a fine mist of water. The water damage caused the gas supply circuits in both gas heaters to fail and both heaters were inoperative. I had two furnace men work on them, and they couldn't be fixed. After several months of frustration and trying to order parts, both furnaces stared working again just fine, without replacing anything! When you folks pray, you have no idea of the wonders God often does in answer to your prayers.

During the month of July, especially be in prayer for the teams holding our Bible Camps. The O'Chiese Bible School will be held by the team that has been working with us for the last 10 years, carrying this load. So this year, we have put that task completely on them to do on their own.

Because of the load I've had here on my own, I haven't been able to carry on the outreach in the Yukon for several years, but I still have the equipment in place and ready to resume at such time as it is possible to do so.

In my last letter I gave a report on the gravestone project. They still have not been delivered. I was supposed to be saving money by ordering them from the Greencastle Bronze & Granite from Pennsylvania. The company has been giving me false information and constantly delaying. I've been at my wits end dealing with them, but as soon as they arrive I'll be posting it on the website.

As I write this, I feel the frustration of not being able to publish more in detail, because I know you are praying, and I sincerely wish you could know some of the wonderful things God is doing. Most of those reading this have followed this work over many years, and I'd like to remind you that you can phone anytime to discuss more in detail. Churches always want specific prayer requests and progress reports. You are welcome to phone and I'll be happy to discuss some of the wonderful, encouraging breakthrough events we've seen here recently. The home phone is 1-403-989-3715.

This is a video of the most recent vbs followup by the Calgary Korean team.

This is a still picture of the Calgary Korean team vbs followup. With the large team they brought, we were able to handle a church full of kids and everyone had a wonderful time. For a video of this, click on the video link above this picture.

Some of the kids having fun at the vbs followup.

This is a group picture of some of the group at the VBS followup.

This is a picture of the Korean team in action.

We have been having a Bible study at the home of the folks who got married in the chapel last summer. They have opened their home for the Bible study. They just recently got a brand new house!

This is a class for a group of older teens being held in the tent frame. It needs some repairs before our VBS camp this summer, as it is used constantly for cooking and housing workers.

The next two pictures feature the team of workers that came for the VBS follow up. The purpose of the follow up, was to follow up with the youth that attended last summers VBS.

This is the Hoover family from Edmonton that has been coming to help for the last year, and now are planning to move in the chapel apartment to help with the ministry. They plan on moving in the first week of July (2019).

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