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Dear Friends,
Our work with the student ministry teams on the Reserve has been going very well. We have been amazed at how the people have been responding to the teams and accepting them. I think this is partly due to the pain the Reserve is experiencing with their young people and the hope these Christian college students bring in the example of their own lives. It is a wonderful thing regardless, and currently the only ministry going on there among the fast growing population, which now numbers 3,000 people between both Sunchild and O’Chiese.
As I’ve mentioned before, this is the first time we’ve lived off the Reserve and the expenses of living in ‘civilization’ is an issue we have to confront. We have come to the point where we have to schedule some deputation services to increase our support if we are going to continue the ministry we have here. The additional support will have to come from new sources because we feel the churches and individuals who have been supporting us over the years are giving as much as they can to Native ministry in this area of Missions. We have a field representative in Red Deer, Mr. Len Patterson, who is working on raising support here in central Alberta.
If you know of a church that would be interested in having us for a missions service we would appreciate it if you could help us make the connection to set it up. We have a brochure we can send you if you need it to show an interested party. Here in Canada every family receives a monthly family allowance, now called a child tax credit, for each child. This is an important part of our income and next month when the twins turn 18 it will be discontinued. We are facing the biggest changes we’ve ever had to deal with if we can’t raise the support we need.
We are posting our monthly newsletter on our web site during the first week of each month. Our web address is www.arcticoutreach.org We also include a hard copy in the mail to every one who writes us each month. We don’t normally e-mail the entire letter to our mailing list because everyone gets enough e-mail as it is, so we just send a notice, and link to the letter. If you can’t get it this way and want a full copy e-mailed to you please let us know as we have a list of those who want the letter sent in full by e-mail.
Please keep us in prayer,
In His Service, Rodger, Karen, & Family
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