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Dear Friends,
The coldest part of our winter is past and the days are getting longer. Karen & I made a trip to the States after Christmas and enrolled Melody in a wonderful Christian school close to where Karen's sister and her husband are pastoring in New York State. We got to visit loved ones along the way as well. We are still living in the large house that has been made available to us until it sells. It hasn't sold yet so we are getting quite spoiled.
We have been busy with our work at Sunchild and working on many projects that had been left on the backburners. There has been much office work such as upgrading our computer by adding drives and reloading our applications, organizing data, upgrading the operating system and having problems with the phone company that had to be resolved in their equipment. These things can be so frustrating and time consuming.
The Sunchild election is February 23rd, and we would like special prayer that the best chief and counsel will get elected. Their system is difficult in that about ten people are running for chief, so it's possible for someone to win with little more than 10% of the popular vote! It will be this new administration that we will be working with in either rebuilding or renovating our mission at Sunchild. There are many of the politicians who love us and the work we do there and will be in a position to see some wonderful things happen. There are always some that could slow down the entire process and make for more work in it all.
We sent the airplane cylinders out to be bored oversize, but when they came back they only had a four thousand choke and it should be closer to 9. So we had to send them back to be chromed so we could get the full size choke profile. Pray that we can get this job finished and paid for.
I mentioned before that Karen and I have a policy of targeting certain families to concentrate special efforts in to work toward preparing them for spiritual leadership and future involvement in the work. In the past, the young people we have worked with and trained in our mission have been recognized by secular concerns for their character and abilities and are lured off into secular positions. So we have to instill early on in their minds to channel their lives into the Lord's service. Last week I stopped at a home of one of our most promising young people, at about 8:00 in the morning to take them to a special service. The parents had made a trip to Edmonton and the furnace was off and the house cold as the outside temperature was about 0 F. A teen was caring for a small baby, and the one I had stopped for was sick in bed with only one blanket and her bare feet sticking out!
It is a wonderful privilege to be able to work with the people we have been given to minister to. We dearly love them and feel they are very precious to the Lord. We are starting to prepare for this summer's VBS's as there is much work involved and it is always the special event of the year and we want it to be done as well as possible. Please keep this in your prayers as well, especially for good work teams to staff them. It is your prayers and support that make this ministry possible.
In His Service, Rodger, Karen, and Family
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