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April 2006 News - Sunchild Reserve
www.arcticoutreach.org e-mailrinker@arcticoutreach.org
Dear Friends,
The student ministry assignments for this semester have ended because the students are going into their final exams next week. We will continue taking students and volunteers to the Reserve each week but the college funding for travel expenses has ended as well, so we will have the additional expense, and gas prices are out of this world. We continue to be amazed at how the students are getting involved in the needs of the families and sometimes the families ask us if we can leave a student with them for a few days to help them with special needs. Two weeks ago we had a Sunday School picnic and about 80 people were in attendance. One man had a vivid dream about Jesus and the students had a special time of prayer with him. The lady who was critically injured in the three fatality accident has a wonderful testimony of her spiritual experience in that and is having a miraculous recovery.
The Bertness Family, a professional youth ministry team, will be leading our Sunchild VBS this summer. We plan on renovating our chapel and holding the VBS on the mission grounds. It is scheduled for July 9 - 14, and we are still looking for workers to help with crafts and other various duties.
I made an outreach trip to the Northwest Territories and Old Crow from March 23 to April 12th. It was an amazing time. I will have a separate article covering this on our web site. It involved a 400 mile wilderness trip by snowmobile and my feet still have numb spots from frostbite. I didn't have the right footgear and it turned out I needed it.
One side note though. One day I was going down the ice on the LaChute river, through the mountains after crossing the continental divided and a rare winter falcon flew overhead and dropped a nice fat, warm freshly killed ptarmigan right in front of me to have for my supper! The Arctic version of fast food! It was delicious. (Does that put me in the Elijah club? Not really as I wasn't running from Jezebel.) Karen took over all the Reserve ministry while I was gone. She does a much better job than I do.I'm planning on a trip east in May, a trip I have been delaying for some time. But now our Bible College class is having it's 40th anniversary class reunion. I've never been to a reunion so thought I should try to make this one. I want to spend some time with Mom as well as Jenny & family, Melody, and the newlyweds, Reuben & Jennifer. Karen & I both can't go at the same time because of the kids in school and our schedule here.
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