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Karen's November News - 2013

www.arcticoutreach.org --- e-mail rinker@arcticoutreach.org --- phone 403-989-3715

I have been reading A.W. Tozer's Path to Power.

It is a book that explains the spiritual state of the Christian church way back in the middle 1900s, and shows how if we are not careful we as a church today can fall into some of the same errors and pitfalls. As I shared these Truths with the ladies here, they are responding with “We want this spiritual power to see new Christians born and baptized."

Last night in Ladies Meeting we had all the baptized believers share why they got baptized. The new baby Christians just sat there, so open to hear the Truths and experiences shared by their fellow believers. It was interesting to see and hear again how the First Nation Christians are part of the persecuted church.

We have continued to do our Bighorn outreach with the generous gift from the Crossroads Church in Red Deer. This year Bighorn was represented at our Ladies' Retreat. This thrilled us very much. Frontier Lodge hosted us this year and the children that came with their parent got a free boat ride out on the lake while we ladies studied and prayed.

The music program really needs prayer. The children have a habit of fighting with each other and this makes it difficult to teach at times. We would appreciate spiritual warfare to be fought for this program.

Our Sunchild VBS was excellent! One young lady that got saved during VBS is now a baptized believer. She has been attending Sunday school since she was in the 4-6 year old classroom. She is now a teenager and God's Word has been faithful to her heart. Do pray we continue to have volunteer help with the Sunday school. The local ladies have been so faithful to the Sunday school but we have more children than they can handle.

The Koreans from Calgary had been holding a big VBS on O'chiese every summer for the last 5 years. We have helped in any way we could with their outreach. But this fall the building where they usually do their follow up was under renovation so we offered them the church, but it was too small for their team. So they just came one day and passed out food and tracts. We do need a bigger church but we ladies need to learn how to present the need.

Which brings me to a new change here at the mission. Rodger has resigned the C.I. M. Chairman position and I am stepping in and training Josephine Thomas, one of the board directors, to do this. It is a new challenge for me but God is able to help me.

It is my job to present the financial needs of C.I. M. to the world, so pray for me as I share all the wonderful things God has done here. That's what it says in Psalms 105:1. “Tell the nations what He has done.”

That reminds me of an experience I had yesterday. I didn't tell you yet but I am tutoring 2 adult young men, and one of them asked me when I was going to retire? I smiled and said,”What does our verse say in Psalms 105:1?” He read it again and said, “I see.” Do pray for these young men. I will not describe the challenges they have but as they study Scripture with their academics they will, “hide God's Word in their hearts that they might not sin against God.” Psalms 119:11.

My last new challenge was being a mom to two little girls until they experienced what all preacher's kids and Missionary kids do – being examples to others and being misunderstood. At that point they decided to move back home, but they will always be welcome in our home.

So as I close this I am challenged by A.W. Tozer's book,Paths to Power to walk in obedience and experience God releasing His power in prayer to see souls saved.

For those who are interested in some family news, Melany Hope was featured in the Edmonton Women's magazine. Josh and Cherie are doing well on the ranch in Wyoming. Reuben had a good youth retreat, and Jennifer is healing well. David moved to Airdrie and is still roofing. Melody is still in California. Jenny's kids are doing well in school and are still involved with sports and music.

The two young men I have been tutoring.

The two little girls I was a mom to for a short time.

The young lady who gave her heart to the Lord during VBS this summer and also got baptized

Families at our piano recital held at the church.

Taking Sunday School children to a petting zoo near the Reserve.

One day at VBS on the Sunchild Reserve

One of our piano students practicing at our house.

Students with perfect attendance from the Sunchild VBS of 2013.

A small Ladies Retreat in the mountains this October.

Our newest guitar student with his twin sister who plays the violin.

Notice the look on the young boy's face. The kids around here really like horses.

Beautiful beaded outfits are made for dancing during the summer.

Rodger is tanning an elk hide which is a cultural thing to do here.

The teen VBS class at the Big Horn Reserve.

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