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www.arcticoutreach.org --- e-mail rinker@arcticoutreach.org --- phone 403-989-3715
Dear Friends,
I'll be leaving this week for my annual Spring Outreach trip to the Yukon, and wanted to get this letter off before I go. There is only a short time in the Spring when the trails are broke between Old Crow and Ft. McPhersonin the Northwest Territories when it is reasonable to do this. If the trails are not open, then I'll have to take the time to brake them and then it will be possible for everyone to travel that route until breakup.A groupfrom Ft. McPherson tried to get over the mountain and open this trail last week, because the Caribou are all on the Yukon side of the divide this spring and they have wanted to get Caribou. They got stormed in and had to give it up. So there is a good chance that I'll have help because, then, they can get over and get Caribou. It's such hard work to open the trail, when the snow is as heavy as it is this year up there, that it's best done with a team working together. We have had our Outreach ministry to this area of the Arctic since the early 1980's. One strength of our ministry is to do all we can to be faithful over the years and to be consistently therefor the people. They see many people come and go. They see interest from people and organizations and then see it disappear. So it is of incomparable value for them to know we will always be there for them, all the way through.
To follow this trip on my Spot GPS tracker in real time, go to our web site and, on the home page, click on the link to Spot GPS tracker.
Karen is leaving today, (Wed. 13th) to take some of the music students to have a program for the school in Three Hills. Our music program is growing and a big part of the ministry now. As my violin students advance, I realize it takes someone with the special personality to adapt to the kids needs. Because it takes a high level of personal discipline to advance in the violin, it is the discipline that is the hard part for the kids here on the Reserve. It takes the patience of Job and a vision of what can be done...it is a very difficult task. I know there is someone that would love to take over as a full time music teacher. It is tremendously rewarding to see these young people develop and making beautiful music. 'Please' give us a call if you know anyone that might be available.
The Rocky Mt. College from Calgary came and did a one week youth program two weeks ago. They got to work in both public schools for several days as well.
Karen reports excitement in the growth of those who were baptized last summer. Sunday we had testimonies with tears from some as they spoke of their Christian walk. Tonight the Ladies group was well attended and this week three ladies have prayed to give their hearts to the Lord. Last night Karen invited a neighbor lady over to learn how to bake pies. Well, somehow the word got out and we were surprised when six ladies showed up saying they wanted to get in on the pie baking! It makes us wish for a new multipurpose facility with a big kitchen, and we could have activities on a larger scale with much less stress than having it in our home.
Karen has started another website with pictures and information on the mission which she is doing all by herself. In order for her to post on our primary web site, she has to write it out and then I have to put it in HTML code and upload it. But the site she is doing is a simpler procedure that she can do on her own. It is located at coyotecreekchapel.weebly.com
Please keep us in your prayers, In His Service, Rodger & Karen Rinker
Actually, the biggest news item is the dedication and faithfulness of the teams that come every week, from so far, and sacrifice so much time and effort to be here and work so hard. So that is why I feature pictures of the teams is every newsletter. Below I have posted two pictures of teams that came the last few weeks.
We took most of our music students into the Crossroads church in Red Deer a few weeks ago to have a special service. This shows the choir and some of the violin students.
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