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These are the students who attended the Native Youth Conference in May. Scott, the Nazarene Assistant Pastor, drove them and chaparoned.
Justayne drives out from Red Deer to teach our piano class and youth choir.
Dear Friends,
I want to add an appeal for a special need we have at this time. Our music program is taking so much of our time that we are asking for someone who can come and take over our violin program. We need someone to teach the Suzuki program. Ideally, we would like someone who has experience teaching, but if we can't find an experienced teacher, we can train someone who is taking the Suzuki course and familiar with it. Even for an experienced teacher this is an ongoing process of learning within the Suzuki structure of workshops and regular training. Ordinarily, a student has a lesson once a week, and then practices on their own the rest of the time. However, we have to supervise even the daily practices since the students can't take their instruments home, due to the unique circumstances of life here
Although this adds a burden of extra workload, it gives us unprecedented opportunity to work with the students in the broader goals of the mission as well as dramatically raise the quality of the training. So you can see what an amazing opportunity this is for someone looking for this level of missions service, and to be personally involved in the lives of our young people.
When we find someone to fill this position, we will be taking on new students so the teacher will have this class as a full time workload, depending on how full a schedule they are interested in.
Another position that we are in special need of filling is to have a volunteer that will take the responsibility of working with the local youth on a daily basis. Every day we are overloaded with youth who have no where to go and nothing to do. The church is a place where they can hang out and play games, do crafts, recreation whether swinging on a rope around a tree or playing basketball, and etc. It is difficult to close the door to these young people, and most of the time we are unable to supervise them, or supervise them adequately. Recently we had a two year old (maybe three) walk in by herself and her family didn't even know she was gone! So we are appealing for a volunteer of any age, or even a team of volunteers that will take the responsibility of working with these youth on a daily basis.
Most of you will be unable to personally come, but you can all pray for God to send the people we need to fill these positions.
Beginning May 22nd, we are running an Alpha course, heavily modified to fit here and taught in person, for two weeks with staff from Red Deer. This is a serious program with many staff and includes a luxury meal every day! Then we have the summer VBS's and outreach all coming up. How effective these intensive efforts will be totally depends on the prayer backing we have. We are depending on you folks!
To end my sabbatical the doctor has agreed that a short term missionary experience will help me transition back into the next stage of ministry. A lady from the O'Chiese Reserve called me here in Three Hills and asked me to do 3 months of a Woman's Literacy Assessments. This means I will assess reading, writing and numeracy as a priority. My job with God's help is to not only raise these ladies' academic levels, but also their self respect, because some of them have gone through some intense emotional suffering. I have been offered a beautiful trailer to rest in while assessing and helping these ladies. Please pray for my protection as I travel and reach out to these dear ladies from my heart.
Thank you to everyone who has made this sabbatical I enjoyed my time with Reuben's family, each of the twins, Melody Joy, and Melany Hope, my Mom my baby sister April, and especially Jenny's family. To watch my grandkids mature in their life and faith has been a special privilege for me.
I also want to personally thank Justayne Wilkenen who came in from Red Deer, two hours away, to help with the piano and choir while I was away. She will continue to do so after I return. Rosalee and Ryan Richardson have done an awesome job, and we will miss them as they go back to the farm to help his dad for the summer and fall. Last but not least I am so proud of the First Nation Ladies who took ownership of their sunday School and church; even to coming once a week and cleaning it.
God Bless everyone who has prayed for the mission and myself.
Sincerely, Karen Rinker
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