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Sunchild News - December 2011

www.arcticoutreach.org --- e-mail rinker@arcticoutreach.org --- phone 403-989-3715

Dear Friends,

In our last letter we were preparing for the four VBS's we held in July. We had lots of help and they went well. We had the help of the Korean Church, which sent a number of families and workers to stay here and help. It was wonderful how much they got done and what a blessing they were!

In the month of November we did what we call a daily diary on our website. The purpose was to present a picture of life and activities here at the mission for anyone interested in coming to help or how to pray. Each day we have a description of the main activities along with pictures. We will keep this archived on our website. Here is a link: November 201l Daily Diary

Last night we got a phone call from a family at Old Crow to tell us of a tragic death in their family. It is the home I always stay at when we go there for outreach. The young man always lets me have his room and stays with his brother when I'm there. He died in the house.

We have all had a concern for the schedule Karen keeps and how she can do it. Well, her doctor has ordered her to take some time off from the work here. She will be staying down at Three Hills where our daughter Jenny lives, and attempting to distance herself from duties here as much as possible. We should be able to carry on with most of the programs we have been doing, with the help we have available. Rosalie and Ryan come out from Rocky several times a week to help with the music program, ladies meetings, Sunday School, youth groups, etc. A lady from Red Deer is getting involved in helping with the music program. Teams are coming from Three Hills, Red Deer, and occasionally Calgary to do our Sunday School classes. The Christmas – New Years holidays are always a tough time here on the Reserve, so we have help coming to work with the youth here over the holidays. Now, even more than normal we do need help, so the invitation is always out for anyone wanting to do a short term missions trip to come and help. We do have facilities for people to stay and help. We don't actually do the teaching and most of the ministry now as our work is supervising those who are doing the classes and working with the people.

Our building program is still a major activity and expense. This summer we didn't get a lot done inside since we had to focus on outdoor work, but we got part of the upstairs in the house converted into a nice office, and we finally got a new, well insulated church floor. We got a much needed garage/wood shed/storage building under roof before the snow hit. Pictures are on the November diary. A church in Red Deer, Living Stones Church, also got involved for the first time with a couple work crews and were an amazing help to get things done in the rush before the snow hit.

Our special events start early in the new year with the Rocky Mt. College team from Calgary coming Feb. 18-24 to work with the teens in our youth group.

As I mentioned, the holiday season here is a time of high stress for many reasons, but a lot of people are involved in a high risk life style during this time which puts quite a load on us. While you are enjoying your celebrations you might also keep us in prayer! Wishing each of you a blessed and Christ centered Christmas and New Years.

In His Service, Rodger & Karen Rinker

Below is the Korean Team and other workers that held VBS.

Korean Team & VBS Workers

Below is a group that we were able to capture in a picture, which is very difficult to do.

VBS youth

We have a music program as part of the mission. Four of our violin students attended the Red Deer College Strings Workshop. The two older students got to play in the orchestra.

Red Deer College Strings Workshop

We built all the roof trusses for our new garage/wood shed and saved about a thousand dollars

Building roof trusses

The Rocky Flying Club financed a trip up to the Yukon. I saw a part of the country I had never seen.

Central Yukon Territory - Canada

This system of Glaciers at Kluane is the most amazing geological formation I have ever seen.

Glacier System in Yukon

Workers installing garage doors. These doors were donated and installed by a company and the Living Stones Church in Red Deer.

Installing garage doors

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