Home | Sunchild Mission | Outreach | News Updates | Devotions | Pictures of the week
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Dear Friends,
More good news to report! The first part of October we got our house back! First of all I want to especially thank all those who have stood by us in prayer to see this happen, and did not give up! We have a big jobof clean up and renovations and we aim to be moved in by Christmas time. Our life is completely different now that the party that went on day and night just a few yards beside us is now "OVER"! Peace has come to thesegrounds once again...in fact, it's almost as if we died and went to Heaven! It still hasn't really soaked in yet and I'm still trying to get used to the fact that the ordeal is over that we had been living under.
We've had some good help to work on the renovations already. A friend who is a plumber in Rocky, John Klassen, started working on the plumbing. The farther we went and the more we got into it-we ended up tearing allthe plumbing out and replacing it. Halfway through, John had heart trouble and ended up in the hospital! He was here Saturday for our fast & prayer day and is on the road to a good recovery. We still have work teams planning to help with the view of finishing by Christmas. We just had two teams of Internationals here from bases in Australia and Alberta, including people from Korea and Samoa, to do outreach. We had 12 and more staying here for two weeks, and we were so thankful to be able to use the house as a dorm and kitchen.
You all know about the team of College students who come every Sunday from Three Hills. Two of these students who met and worked together on this team just got married. Rosalie and Ryan hope to settle nearby next year and, if so, will certainly be involved with working with the people they came to love so much here at Sunchild. Pray for this to work out.
When we got our house back, we had a day of fasting & prayer to thank God, to re-dedicate the property and pray for spiritual cleansing from all that went on in there for the last nine years. We saw truly amazing answers to prayer, so we decided to make this a regular event. Saturday we had a good representation of churches here to pray with us for the second time! You don't have to be here to pray with us. When we meet with God we are all in the same place anyway! To explain what the occasion was that caused us to get the house back, I can only say that, in direct answer to prayer, God gave the occupants clarity of mind to understand what they were doing to themselves and see that it would be the best thing to change their lifestyle and relocate to a place where they would be able to start a new life. They had a strong sense of wanting us to have our house back to make our lives easier and to use it in the mission work. So God brought this to pass before that situation went from bad to worse, and we want to thank them for taking this step and allowing this to happen. For us, it is an overwhelming display of God's mercy which demonstrates again that when prayer comes "From the Heart" God moves and answers.
As usual, we are putting this letter on our website and including several pages of recent pictures. Did I tell you that one of our roads to town, the Sunchild Forestry Road, just got paved! We are now within seven miles of a paved road! For 35 years, every year, there have been rumors it would be paved. Well now we have pavement right to edge of the Reserve, just seven miles away!
In His Service, Rodger & Karen Rinker
Ryan & Rosalie who have been helping for several years got married in October! Pray for them to find God's will for their future.
Since Rosalee's wedding was in British Columbia and no one from here could go, we had a party for them and here the kids are making Rosalee a TP wedding dress.
We had a pinata for the kids to break
Otis, standing in the plaid shirt, has graduated from the college with his flight instructor rating and is no longer on the college team. We will really miss him.
These next two pictures are Jalyn and her sister Alanis when we took them horseback riding. Now that we have the property back we plan on getting horses like we used to have, by next summer.
Home | Sunchild Mission | Outreach | News Updates | Devotions | Pictures of the week