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February 2007 News - Sunchild Reserve
www.arcticoutreach.org e-mail rinker@arcticoutreach.org
Dear Friends,
Many of you will remember the lady by the name of Doris, who was paralyzed when she returned to the Reserve from a year in Bible School. Some of you have faithfully prayed for her because of her consistent faith and testimony in the midst of trial and hardship that most people can't begin to imagine. It is obvious that God has chosen her to be a special witness and carries her through the most difficult circumstances. At times her situation is far beyond human endurance, but God carries her through, and her faith is always so clear and real. Recently she had a terrible infection in her leg that was due to neglect from the nursing home where she has been staying. The doctors clearly told her that she would have to have the leg amputated or she would die. She couldn't bring herself to allow this, and while she waited, the infection kept getting worse. When she got to the point where she had to make the final decision and was on death's door, she expressed faith that she could be healed and refused the operation. Her sister brought anointing oil and in a simple prayer of faith she was healed and is doing fine. At the same time, her older daughter was saved and her younger daughter was placed in a Christian foster home. Both of these burdens had been heavy on her heart for a long time. Please continue to hold Doris up in prayer.
We have been able to get the Bertness Family to direct our VBS again this coming summer! These are the folks who were with us last summer, and they do a very wonderful job. The dates are July 8 - 13. We always need all the help we can get, so if you know of anyone who might be interested in coming, please pass the word on to them. For those who are far away and need to fly in, we will be picking people up at the Calgary airport.
The election for the new Chief and Council for Sunchild will be held on February 23rd. We want to request special prayer, because the Reserve is in a unique position to move in a very positive direction for their future in this election. Obviously we have to keep sort of official neutrality in Band politics, but people who will do right need prayer to have strength to endure. Hear us when we say pray for this.
The student ministry work on the Reserve is continuing to grow and deepen. We knew that having a team of this size would have a tremendous impact on the Reserve and it is proving to be so! Also, we have been working for years to get churches from central Alberta involved, and we are thrilled that a very gifted lady from a central Alberta church has taken one of the Sunday School classes and is doing a tremendous job. Her class in growing in response the hard work, love, and faithfulness she has demonstrated. She brings crafts, and sometimes stuffed dolls or gas balloons, and always bakes special treats in addition to the wonderful job of teaching the kids about the Lord. What a wonderful answer to prayer!
We are thankful for the financial needs being met in a way that has exceeded
our faith. We couldn't have anticipated the expenses we would encounter these
last couple years, or we would have been overwhelmed and probably never attempted
all we're doing. We can say, from personal experience, that God is faithful
and really wants His work to go forward!
In His Service, Rodger, Karen, and Family
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