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Sunchild News - April 2007

www.arcticoutreach.org e-mail rinker@arcticoutreach.org

Dear Friends,

In March I made an outreach trip to the Northwest Territories and Yukon. The most important thing is that I knew in a special way, often, that this was God's will and He was leading each step. It is essential that we know how to use the finances and resources that God gives us, in the way He is leading so we can accomplish God's plan for this ministry. I tried so hard to get up there earlier in the season and was afraid that I was behind schedule, but I saw many times that I was on God's perfect timetable. It was amazing how the timing was perfect so often to work things out that I could never do on my own. At times I would be in a situation that I didn't know what I would do and God providentially worked for me to be exactly at the right place at the right time for needs to be met and to meet people that I needed to meet, etc. I saw God doing His work in peoples lives in ways that amazed me. It's such a privilege to be in the Lord's service. One thing that so impressed me was how it was obvious the Lord was sending me. In Acts it tells about Philip being sent to the Ethiopian who was traveling by chariot and reading his bible. I felt like Philip must have felt as I saw how God placed me in situations where I was needed for His special purpose. This outreach in the Arctic is extremely isolated and much of this trip was in areas where no one is doing any kind of mission work. The tears and emotion I saw showed the depth of what God was doing and made it hard to leave. I traveled 400 miles by snowmobile in total arctic wilderness.

The work at Sunchild continues to grow with the Bible college students. We also have had a number of lay people from local Alberta churches take part to help out, including a couple from Rocky who are holding a mid-week bible study which lasted for 3 hours last week because the people were so interested. The Leslieville church brought a load of really nice furniture to furnish the upstairs room and folding chairs for the downstairs chapel which is a wonderful blessing. Our college team will be taking final exams at the end of the month and some of them will be gone until fall semester. We have been so privileged to have such a choice team of students. Some of them will be staying here in Three Hills and continuing to serve on our team through the summer months, so we have decided to carry on the student ministry without a break, through the summer. We won't have the support of the college and use of the school vans, so it will be an added expense for us but we feel we must carry it on through the summer since we are having such wonderful response. Also several new students are getting involved on their own, not as a requirement for their classes but for their own personal ministry, so we want them to have this opportunity.

I mentioned before that my Mom has had some serious health problems and I need to make a trip back to see her right away. I will be leaving here around April 17th for Cumberland, Maryland. It may be possible to stop along the way coming back for a missionary service at your church. If anyone is interested call Karen here at 403-443-2335 and she will co-ordinate this for me.

As I mentioned before, our Sunchild VBS is scheduled for July 8-13. Many who helped last year are coming back to help again. If you are interested in helping, let us know.

Below you will find links to 5 pages of photos. All were taken in the last few weeks at the end of March and first half of April 2007.

Photo Page 1 - Photo Page 2 - Photo Page 3 - Photo Page 4 - Photo Page 5

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