Home | Sunchild Mission | Outreach | News Updates | Devotions | Pictures of the week
The day started with getting a fire in the fireplace and getting the three kids staying with us ready for Sunday School. Karen has to set up the church for Sunday School. With our limited facilities, each day involves rearranging everything for each day's activity and cleaning up, etc. Karen directs the classes and supervises all the activities. Today was a lower than normal attendance and we didn't have much help. Only one teacher came from Three Hills and only one local teacher came, so Karen & I both had to take a class. We always serve snacks to the classes because many of the kids haven't had anything to eat when they come. Three of us drove out to pick up people who had no transportation to get here. After our adult service in the middle of the afternoon, Karen went to homes and gathered up a van load which she took into Rocky Mountain House to a 'Kids Town' event at the Nazarene Church tonight. When she got back from that around 10:00 she had to gather up the three that are staying with us again tonight, and then get everyone settled into bed.Below is Karen's Sunday School class.
Greg is the only teacher to come today from Three Hills. This is the van that is kept in Three Hills for the College team to come on Sundays.
Below is a game at the Kids Club that Karen went to tonight
Home | Sunchild Mission | Outreach | News Updates | Devotions | Pictures of the week