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Saturday November 26, 2011

It is a real treat for Karen & I to have the drama team here at the mission for several days because of the fellowship, and it is wonderful to experience how they are able to connect with the kids and minister to them. It's just too bad that the time goes so fast. Today the team had a picnic at the sledriding hill and had a day of recreation with our youth. I remembered to take my camera, so I'm posting several pictures of this today. Other activities included cutting a load of firewood, and I finished mowing down our skating rink area, getting ready to flood it. It was almost impossible to mow it down because the snow was almost too deep. Now, before we can flood it I have to hook up some water lines to the hydrant that have been disconnected. Some of the ladies stayed at the mission and did some house work for Karen. The squirrels that took over our house last summer kind of rifled our pantry shelves, so they emptied all the shelves and cleaned up and reorganized. Altogether, 4 or 5 squirrel burglers moved on to squirrel heaven this summer. We don't know if the weasel will come back this winter. He only moves in during winter time. Last spring, before he moved away, he paid his debt by cleaning out all the starlings that had nested in the roof eves of the house and church.

The team has a service scheduled for tommorow morning in Three Hills, so they left here just as it was getting dark. They are a great group of people and were a wonderful blessing.

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