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Wednesday November 23, 2011

Today was kind of a laid back day. I talked to people planning on coming to help with mission work and worked on the new garage, then had violin lessons tonight. Karen has been real busy getting ready for the team of eight, coming in tomorrow. They will be here until Sunday. Karen cooked a turkey and prepared other food for the team to have when they arrive. Karen connected with the Bible College concerning speaking schedules and recruiting workers for here next summer. Tonight was the Youth Group at the Nazarene church and we weren't able to take a load in as Karen already had the van in town, however she brought the one home that got his family to take him in. The youth here are isolated to themselves and we are very interested in them having the opportunity to socalize with the youth in Rocky. (The turkey was donated...I'm not sure how far it go...there will be ten of us plus a church full of young people!)

You surely have noticed the fireplace in some of the pictures this month. Here are two pictures with different lighting that show it better tonight. We have it going all the time, sometimes we cook our meat in it. Most of the time we cook ourselves in front of it. I am very spoiled. I couldn't live without it. We are building a bread oven onto the side of it. It is built from rocks we collected from all over North America and Siberia plus some petrified wood. The one rock has an outstanding, weird, happy face on it. The kids can see many other pictures as well.

This vase, we keep on the mantle, was one of my Dad's favorite things. He just loved it. Well, one day when they were living at Harpers Ferry, someone came in the house and smashed it all to pieces. Dad carefully gathered every piece up and years later he crafted it all back together again. He loved it that much. Sometimes we use it as an object lesson of Redemption. It is much more valuable to me now than it ever could have been otherwise as it is a material token of Dad's love. There is a long story behind the vase.

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