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Friday November 18, 2011

Today Karen had a doctors appointment in Three Hills, which is three hours away. So we spent most of the day on snowy roads, following snow plows and poor visability. The doctor prescribed as part of her treatment, for her to take a 6 month leave of her mission duties. So she is now considering how to work on taking time off and planning some time with family. The hardest part of this is getting help to take over some of her duties so we lose as little as possible of the ministries going here. My time is filled to my capacity, so I can't take over all she has been doing. We didn't have anything to feature in a picture today, so this is Karen tonight answering some correspondence on email at the computer in the chapel. The entire life's purpose of the cat is to murder mice. Mice thrive here in spite of the cold. However there are no bedbugs on the Reserves here, which is a great blessing. Hair bugs enjoy a plentiful and prosperous existence though, however I am about the only one who has never had any move in. They truly do not like me, and I have never shed tears over that.

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