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Karen writes:
Well, where do I begin? 2023 has been a year of new things for me. My faithful “Jimmy” (vehicle) gave out on me. So I prayed and God helped us find a different vehicle and this one has a heater that works! The ladies are so happy as I pick them up for services.
The next new challenge was continued grief. Week after week people, and especially young people, are dying with no time to grieve for this whole community. It has not stopped. That is nine months of continual pain.
This is also the first time in many months I have not had a short term missionary stay on the grounds and work with me daily.
We had an opportunity to sing at a funeral on the O’Chiese Reserve. A group of about 40 Christians came from all over central Alberta to honor a Chrisitian man that passed away, and we had a service at the wake. This is a first on O’Chiese for many, many years.
Then in May we had a Christian funeral in the little chapel here. We miss our friend, who was the most consistent for attending services. Also in May I started teaching the First Nation Wayana couple from Suriname, South America English lessons. It was every day Monday-Friday. I enjoyed their company as they ate with us and camped in the little apartment above the sanctuary.
When they left I had five new challenges. We at this mission were responsible for Sunchild, O’Chiese, Bighorn, and Alexander VBS’s. These four I worked with before, but this year I was invited to Peguis, Manitoba to do one there. God blessed and I also was blessed by the people there. Because of space, I well just say, the whole time there was blessed with God’s leading and presence. Five children got their names written in the Book of Life. That was my challenge for that VBS. “Is your name written there?”
As summer has ended and before we go back to our normal routine, I must tell you about our Ladies Retreat. One lady had never walked in the door of this little church, and in two days her heart was open and she asked Jesus to forgive her sins.
Now personally, I have been challenged with the Celebrate Recovery Program I am taking, and spending precious time with my oldest and youngest grand daughters. I’ve only written about our new activities, not our normal schedule.
This is our German guest Zofia, making stuffed peppers with a local lady.
Zofia helping in Sunday School.
A funeral of one of our church ladies.
Wayana at our house.
Our friend from Old Crow, Yukon.
The pastor and his wife from Peguis, Manitoba where I had a VBS.
Two little friends that visited me every day in Manitoba.
Ladies Retreat in August.
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