Sunchild News - November 2023

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For several years now we have had teams come from the Jungle of South America to visit our mission and help us minister to the families here. This past summer a couple came from a remote village in Suriname, South America for English language teaching and lived with us for six weeks. They came here because Karen is a English as a second language teacher, and they could learn about ministering to Native people in Canada. This picture is of the team that came from Suriname including missionaries working with them. We are eating in our cook tent, which is set up for cooking large meals. The man in the red shirt is the chief of their village in Lawa.

This is me fixing breakfast for everyone in the cook tent. Last year the Mountain Top Holiness church from back home where I grew up provided us with this new tent, as our previous tent was worn out. The wood stove visible in the corner keeps it comfortable even at 40 below zero. The tent is supported by a wooden frame.

Below is our English language students, Susinna and her husband Ame, and in the middle is our neighber who is the mother of the chief of Sunchild.

In this pictue below, Karen is giving Ame and Susinna their certificates for completing their English language course.

Here our students and teacher pose with their work.

Below a local alberta family holds a special music service for us.

Rosalie and Ryan are a couple that have been faithful to come and help us for over 15 years. They first came as part of the teams that came from the Prairie Bible College. This is their team that has been coming from their church in Brownfield, Alberta. Here they are camped at the mission while they held VBS and helped with various work projects.

This is a group picture of their church team. Rosalie and Ryan are on the far left hand side.

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