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These are Korean church elders who came with the teams for the summer VBS. A local Sunchild man is in the middle in the red shirt.
This is a gathering in front of the church during VBS.
Our VBS in progress this summer.
Another picture of our church grounds during VBS.
Our cook tent is an essential part of mission and is used for everything. We are so thankful for the Mt. Top Holiness church providing this new tent for us.
Below is a picture of Ame and Susinna from South America in their English language class with Karen.
On the left is Jennifer, a friend we have known since she was a girl playing with our kids. She came down all the way from Old Crow, Yukon, up in the high Arctic. Beside her is Susinna, who is here all the way from the tropical jungle in the Amazon!
This is a delegation from the Korean churches in Calgary that came up to prepare for a youth event and bring us a load of Sunday School supplies.
Follow the link to access the next page of pictures.