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The next week after our regular VBS we held a teen camp which targeted teenagers. We had a great camp with the teens.
We had help from some parents also, who took part in crafts with the teens.
These young people are naturally gifted in artwork. This shows some of the work they did.
The week after the teen camp we held a Ladies Retreat with a speaker from the Edmonton area. It turned out successful also. The Hoover family did most of the directing for the VBS & Teen Camp, and Karen did most of directing the Ladies Retreat.
This is just a picture at our kitchen table one evening with friends over.
This is the team from Suriname, South America, that I wrote about in a previous newsletter. I'm putting this in to request prayer for Eleme. She just had a baby while very sick with the Covid. The baby lived but Eleme is is in serious condition. The chief of the tribe is Chief Ipomadi in the red shirt, with his wife Melisa. Beside them is Janak with his wife Eleme, and in the back are the missionaries, Marco and Marjolein from the Netherlands. It seems strange how someone could have brought Covid into such a remote jungle village, but we still haven't any cases in our region here.
Karen had to do Sunday School one day by herself, and she is working with a class here. Below is Karen's letter of her summer activites here.
Hi! This is Karen Rinker....I have been able to spend 31 days on the Reserve since June, supporting the work at Sunchild.
In July we celebrated 45 years of coming to the Reserve at Sunchild.
I have taught Sunday School 2 times this summer. It was a special time relating to the children again.
I have had many opportunities to visit old friends and share the Gospel. One special privilege I had was to take the Child Evangelism Fellowship (C.E.F.) booklet “The Belt of Truth” and share with an adult what it means to come out of the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light. Then to encourage him to practice using his armour since he recently got saved.
I was here to support the VBS and youth camp held at the mission. The thing that most impressed me was the first day of VBS 40 children showed up, and we didn't have to pick up any of them. Also during VBS the teens that had summer jobs came and had lunch with us, and later hung out at the fire in the evening.
Because of our involvement with the First Nation Stoney Reserve an hour away I had been praying some Stonies could come to the summer activities at the Mission. Well, during the Youth Camp a Stoney man and his son came in for one evening. That made me very happy! My closest Stoney friend had passed away in the spring and before she did she asked me to have a VBS on her Reserve again. But her Reserve was not open this summer because of Covid.
Then it was time for our yearly Ladies Retreat. We had a guest speaker from Morinville, Alberta, and she worked well with the local ladies. She spoke on growing in a Holy Walk with God. We celebrated birthdays, made banana cream pies, and heard the ladies hearts on personal growth issues. It was a blessed time.
Please keep praying for all of us, and it is really nice sharing with all of you again.....Karen Rinker
Below, the ladies are making banana cream pies at the Retreat.