January 2024 Monthly Update

www.arcticoutreach.org --- e-mail rinker@arcticoutreach.org --- phone 403-989-3715

Dear Friends,

We plan on posting a monthly, one page update that will feature activities and prayer requests for each month of the year, from now on. This month we will add events going back a few weeks since the end of our last Newsletter. For the most part the update will be told in conjunction with pictures. It will be short and only one page. The news will feature events from the last month, and prayer requests will be for the coming month. So churches can plan on checking about the first of each month for this update.

A brief outline of some highlights is as follows. We had a new team come for several days, from the Clearwater Bible College and helped with a lot of work. Two large Korean teams came to hold a youth event and again for Christmas visitation. The largest team featured over 50 team members and took 9 vehicles to transport them from Calgary! Christmas dinner featured special singers from Carstairs, Alberta. Each week we held regular Sunday Services and Sunday School. We depend on volunteers coming to help with Sunday School. Involvement with Alberta Child Family Services to be support for families they have case files with. Weekly Wednesday Ladies group meetings. Bi-Weekly teen youth group meeting, and we depend on volunteers coming to help with this.

Some prayer requests are: Families that are suffering from suicides, our need for volunteers to help with Sunday School, teen youth groups, and home visitation ministry. The Reserve teachers, Chief & Council.

I, (Rodger) will be making a trip home in April. I have an appointment at a clinic in Morgantown, West Virginia to examine me for treatment on a knee. I've waited for years to get treatment here in Canada and can't beyond the waiting list, so I'm going to the States for help with it before it's too late. I hope to visit friends along the way that we haven't seen for a long time. Karen will be carrying on here for a few weeks during that time and we hope to have help come to assist her then.

A special answer to prayer is how God has provided funds for our operational expenses and enable us to carry on with all our ministry efforts here at Sunchild-O'Chiese and our outreach. God has been so faithful to provide, and God's people have been sensitive to His leadings.

The picture below feature the boys from Clearwater Bible College splitting firewood we hauled in.

Sorry this is so out of focus. Yes, that is our actual house number we've had since the beginning of numbering the houses here.

Below is the team from the Korean Churches in Calgary that came in mid-December to work with the youth.

Clearwater College students doing crafts with youth.

Karen poses with the Clearwater College team.

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