February 2024 Monthly Update

www.arcticoutreach.org --- e-mail rinker@arcticoutreach.org --- phone 403-989-3715

Dear Friends,

We are planning on having a monthly news update, so friends and churches can keep up to date with the ministry here and share prayer requests. If you haven't checked our last full newsletter or the January update, the links are available on our homepage.

Most of the news will be included with the pictures below. February was busy with numerous teams helping out, and visits from several different friends that have connections with our ministry in different areas. I still often forget to get pictures for our news posts, so can't show everyone that was here. Teams from the Korean Churches in Calgary came to do visitation on Sunchild and O'Chiese. The team leaders spent much of the day visiting with Karen & I planning for the future and debriefing of their past ministry here.

I got to attend our Alberta winter fiddle camp, which was a special event for me.

In April I will be traveling to the States to see about getting my knee worked on. I can't get it done in Canada due to extremely long waiting lists for health care. I've been waiting for years and it has gotten really bad, so I have to get something done now. I will be visiting friends and churches as much as I can work in. Please pray for this trip, including travel.

We are scheduling our 5 summer VBS camps now. Please pray we will get them scheduled for the best dates as far as weather and scheduling conflicts.

As you scroll through the pictures below, the captions will explain the events.

Below is Ashley, a local lady helping Karen with her work preparing for an event.

Below is Jenelle helping Karen with Sunday School. Jenelle herself grew up in our Sunday School.

This is a teen youth group. Our helpers this night was a team from the Caroline Nazarene Church. This church is about 55 miles away.

This is Harry and Theresa Stelfox from Edmonton. Harry is writing a book about his Grandfather, who used to be the Indian Agent in Rocky Mountain House, and had an important part in helping organize the Sunchild and O'Chiese Reserves. Harry came to collect information from us about his Grandfather, and to donate some tanned moose hides we can use in a crafts program. They invited Karen to spend a week at their home in Edmonton for a much needed holiday getaway to restup.

One of our Sunday School kids with her craft. For these kids, Sunday School is a special time that they really look forward to having.

This is Ruth helping with a Sunday School class. Ruth used to come with the teams from Three Hills Bible College, but hasn't been here for quite a few years due to getting her Nursing degree and working up north as a nurse.

This is Lloyd, a pastor from Rocky Mountain House. He came to deliver 50 really nice padded folding chairs, plus some Sunday School chairs that we needed very much, and his church didn't need anymore.

This is Stephanie helping with a Sunday School class. Stephanie used to come a lot with the teams from Prairie Bible College, and still comes to help out when she is able.

This is Rosalie helping with a Sunday School Class. Rosalie also used to come with the Prairie Bible School teams with her husband Ryan. They live on a farm in Brownfield in Eastern Alberta, about 5 hours from here.

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