November 2019 Newsletter Page 4

The Korean team from Calgary also comes back to do follow up events with the youth from time to time. It's a wonderful blessing to have these follow ups and the team puts a great effort to make each time successful.

They always bring several van loads of staff members so they can handle any size group we may have.

Another follow up day.

The follow up events are conducted very much like a day of VBS, packing as much activity into one day as possible with everyone very busy.

These follow ups are held in the church and tent frame.

The cooking for follow up day is done in the house. Usually mostly hot dogs.

In addition to the follow up days, the pastor of one of the main churches involved in the Summer Camp brings his family for visits and spends the day, always having a barbecue. The pastor and his wife is Thomas and Joy, and their two children.

On this day when Thomas's family came, the Hoover family (which have been assisting at the mission since July) was also here and joined in the celebration.

On this visit Joy's parents from China were visiting and they came along to see Sunchild. Thomas feels a special calling to work with the Native Indian people here in Canada.

This is a recent picture this month of one of our Sunday School classes. The Hoover ladies, Darcia & her two daughters, Tara & Trinity are leading the Sunday School team, but missed being in the picture.

Sunday School classes are divided between the addition and the main church room.

Summer Ladies Retreat Report

On August 28 – 30, 2019, we had our annual ladies retreat. This year we were honored by the little Mountain View Evangelical Missionary Church near Didsbury, Alberta as they offered their church building rent free for our retreat.

It was the perfect place to relax and let the Holy Spirit revive our hearts. During the event we had teaching on “Why We Pray in Jesus’ Name”, worshiped God through extended singing and prayer times, and watched a number of DVDs on how the Gospel impacted First Nations people in Indonesia and how their experiences are similar to the people of Sunchild and O’Chiese.

During free time, the ladies had a great time of fellowship by playing various games together. A new fast and furious dice game was introduced amid great giggling and laughter. The ladies also relaxed by coloring pages from the “By His Grace” colouring book full of beautiful memory verse posters while drinking tea.

The ladies served each other by taking turns cooking – Indian Tacos proved to be the crowd favorite. On the Thursday afternoon we sat outside in the sunshine enjoying the summer weather. We sewed a felt draw string pouch to keep memory verses in to refer to in discouraging times that will come in the future.

This year we really missed our Stoney friends as they were not able to attend. Another unusual thing about this retreat was that our two faithful O’Chiese Elders could not attend and they were greatly missed.

We were privileged to have our new missionary, Darcia, and her two daughters, Terra and Trinity, take leadership at this retreat. Please pray for them, and the ladies from Sunchild, O’Chiese and Big Horn as they continue their walk with the Lord. Article presented by Karen & Darcia. (Pictures are still being worked on)

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