Every year the team has a drama performance to reach the families on family night. It always is very effective to convey the Gospel message to young and old.
Lots of games every day for the kids...
The mission church is also used for classes & games.
Hard to say who has the most fun...the kids or the teachers!
Although it seems somewhat hectic, it is always in a good way. Everyone really enjoys this time.
The playground that was built by the volunteers from West Virginia is always a very busy place.
Korean food always involves some barbecued meat.
Part of the team that ministered here this summer. Each one was a special blessing.
The VBS for the O'Chiese Reserve was held in the school gynnasium on O'Chiese, and was staffed by a different team from a Korean church in Calgary. This VBS is the only Christian ministry event for the entire year on O'Chiese, as we are unable to stretch ourselves to have any services on O'Chiese now for some time. There has never been a church on O'Chiese. For many years we had regular services there in many different homes.