News Update November 5, 1998
Dear Friends...We want to report a very special visit of the International Director of the Evangelical Bible Mission, Rev. Gerald
Bustin. We could only get in one service on a week day night, but we feel it was one of the best services we've ever had. Gerald, who began his missionary work in New Guinea as a teen-ager, spoke about some of his early experiences among the Natives there. Geralds fluency in several Aboriginal languages enables him to be a very effective communicator to our Indian people. This picture shows Gerald with Harry & Alice, our neighbors. Harry is a well recognized leader in the Native community. One of the highlights was after the service when Gerald was showing Harry a picture of his sister Lenita's school class in New Guinea, where students from that one class went on to become the prime minister, legislators, ambassadors, missionaries, etc. We want to pray that the Lord will use that witness to show him that the Gospel is the most powerful influence in bringing about what he has been working so hard for. Others who have a poor grasp of english told us they understood the entire message. So those who prayed can be assured, your prayers were answered in a wonderful way. In His Service...Rodger, Karen, & Family