Recent News Update - July 20th, 1998Blaine

This is Blaine Carmen Cardinal. Her nickname is Peanuts. She is living with us for now, and has fit in real well with our family. We don't know how long Peanuts will be with us, and we want you to pray for the Lord's will in her life. She fits in real well with our twins, so now we have 'triplets'.


This week a friend of ours, Cecelia, wanted to work on tanning her elk hide. So, since we have a post for wringing out hides in our back yard, she worked on it here. The art of doing the ancient 'Brain Tanning' method is fast becoming a lost art, but there are still people here who are very good at it. We are still learning, but we have completed several, with their help.

Cecelia & Karen Tanning Hide..This is a picture of Cecelia showing Karen how to scrape the brain solution off the elk hide in prepartion for wringing it out. Click on the thumb prints to see a full size picture.

Wringing Out a Hide..This is the ladies wringing out the hide. It has to be done many times, to get all the water and brain soup out.

Ladies Meeting..In the Ladies Meetings held recently, they are doing embroidery work. The Ladies Meetings are held on Wednesday nights. It has been a special time of sharing and giving testimonies.

.....Another special prayer and praise note is-We are having V.B.S. on August 19-23. Wilmer and Linda Paulus, who are veteran EBM missionaries from Papua New Guinea, are flying up from Pennsylvania, with their two teenage sons, to direct the VBS. We will be getting other helpers from churches here in Alberta. In the past, our summer VBS has averaged 150 enrollment, and has been a big job. Please keep us in your prayers. Rodger, Karen, and Family

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