Holding VBS has been a tradition of the Sunchild Mission from the very beginning, when we held the first VBS in 1971. Some have told us it was the major event of the year for them. This year Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Paulus, and their two sons, Stephen & Nate, flew up from Pennsylvania to direct the VBS. Today was the 3rd day, and we have 115 enrolled so far, with 2 more days to go. Don & Gwen Day, with their 2 daughters, Chantelle & Andrea, came from Carstairs, Alberta and spent the whole week. Gwen painted our new church sign. Several others came to help for a day or two from Rocky Mt. House, Drayton Valley, & Wetaskewin. Lots of food was sent in from people in Rocky, and the Paulus's brought all the crafts for VBS with them from Pennsylvania.
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