Sunchild News - November 2017

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Dear Friends,

The highlight of the year for us is always our summer VBS camps, and this year was another successful summer of holding these Bible camps. I will be putting video on our web site of our Sunchild VBS. We had large teams of Koreans come from Calgary and Red Deer to hold these camps. Plans are underway for the 2018 VBS camps to be held as usual, in spite of the challenge to raise support to continue our field operations. I want to express my special appreciation for those who have remained faithful to provide support to keep the mission open, expecially since it is the only Christian ministry on both the Sunchild and O'Chiese Reserves. It has become a challenge to find a way to keep the doors open with the support we have, and some of the ministry has been cut back for lack of support, but I am committed to staying and doing what I can with what we have. As usual, we are praying for helpers to come also.

In the last newsletter I sent, I told about our project to get grave stones for our three sons buried in the mission cemetery. I'm happy to report the stones have been ordered and paid for. I don't know what the shipping cost's will be yet, but it will cost a lot to have the stones and the bases shipped. We found a business sympathetic to the mission that gave us a good deal compared to everyone else we checked out, and I'm happy with the quality of what we got. The shipping will be a little more, but what we got was still far less than any other option, even with the shipping. Except for the shipping, the bill is paid in full thanks to the generous offerings of those who responded to this project, and I want to express my deepest gratitude for your help, and pray God richly blesses you.

This is the team of Korean VBS workers from Calgary when they arrived to conduct the Sunchild Vacation Bible School camp, here at the mission. A few neighbor kids joined in the picture.

This is one of the tent shelters set up to hold VBS classes in. We had two of these plus the gazeboo, and the church, for classes, and the cooking was done in the tent frame kitchen. This year I took mostly video and didn't get many still pictures. I will be putting the video up on the web site as well.

This is another picture of the Sunchild VBS team, gathered in a prayer circle.

This is the Sunchild team in front of the church, with myself in the picture.

This is a completely different team of Koreans that came to do the O'Chiese Reserve VBS. They set up their base of operations here at the mission.

This is the O'Chiese team in front of the church in a prayer circle.

This is the O'Chiese team setting up on the O'Chiese Reserve in the yard of Diane Beaverbones.

We were blessed with beautiful flowers all summer here at the mission house.

This is a pile of firewood before winter set in. My new husky dog is guarding the woodpile. The black husky I had for 15 years, died this year, so thats why the new dog.

This is my dog and my son David's dog. David is the one that got both of them and gave me the smaller one.

This was an early morning sunrise on Oct. 6th. It is impossible to explain what this was like because the atmosphere was lit up right down to just above my head. It truly felt like I was standing in Heaven, and it was a gift from God on a day when I needed it most. Truly a once in a lifetime experience.

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